

  • Subjected to Surveillance: ICE Access to New Mexico Residents' Personal Data

    This report examines how ICE obtains personal information from state motor vehicle records and local incarceration data, and uses this information to fuel surveillance and deportation efforts in the state. Investigations by Somos Un Pueblo Unido, Mijente, Empower and Just Futures Law reveal how ICE relies on law enforcement data sharing networks and data brokers to gain access to personal information about New Mexico residents.

  • Guides for Requesting Removal from ICE's Alternatives to Detention Program

    Just Futures Law, AILA, Amica Center for Immigrant Rights, created resources for attorneys and pro se individuals requesting removal from ICE's Alternatives to Detention (ATD) programs, especially those enrolled in the Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (ISAP).

  • Automating Deportation: The Artificial Intelligence Behind DHS' Immigration Enforcement Regime

    This report highlights a number of concerning uses of AI by DHS and examines DHS’s failures in meeting legal and regulatory requirements for the use of AI. The report uncovers how DHS has prioritized the use of AI at an aggressive pace across its sub-agencies, despite the potential negative impacts and with almost no input or oversight from the public.

  • Tracked & Trapped: Experiences from ICE Digital Prisons

    ICE’s Alternatives to Detention Program is an extension of the carceral and deportation pipeline. Read our latest report that includes the stories behind this inhumane program and our recommendations to move forward in ending ICE Digital Prisons.

  • ICE Digital Prisons Report

    As we call on the Biden administration to put an end to immigration detention, it is crucial to scrutinize the so-called “alternatives to detention” that the administration may expand and the harms these programs bring with them.

  • The Deadly Digital Border Wall

    A “digital border wall” has been steadily built along the U.S.-Mexico border for the last four presidential administrations, overseen by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and supported by Democrats and Republicans alike.

  • ICE's EDDIE Program

    ICE has taken face scanning and fingerprinting on the road to conduct raids and surveil immigrants. The “EDDIE” app is a large component of implementing ICE’s vision of immigration enforcement through militarized police and surveillance technologies.

  • Hart Attack: How DHS’s massive biometrics database will supercharge surveillance and threaten rights

    The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is building a $6.158 billion-dollar, next-wave biometric database that will vastly expand its surveillance capabilities and supercharge the deportation system.

  • Take Back Tech: How to Expose and Fight Surveillance Tech in Your City

    We know that every city and every organizing campaign are different. This toolkit is to describe the menu of options and pose questions that we can ask ourselves as we approach our cities to ensure that our efforts are helping abolish surveillance and not reinforce it.


  • Fact Sheet on ICE FOIA Lawsuit

    This document summarizes key findings on ICE's electronic monitoring program from ICE’s own records obtained through our FOIA lawsuit and reveals the alarming scale of surveillance.

  • Fact Sheet on ICE Admin Subpoena

    This factsheet is for legal practitioners who want to learn more about the practices of ICE issuing administrative subpoenas to tech companies, such as Google, for account holder data contained in its applications (email, maps, calendar etc).

  • Fact Sheet on ICE Admin Subpoena FOIA Findings

    Highlights from the findings gathered from our 2021 FOIA lawsuit against ICE regarding their use of admin subpoenas to acquire data from major tech companies.

  • Fact Sheet on Verus LEO Technologies

    Our latest factsheet is a resource for legal service providers, families with people incarcerated, and jail support communities. This document covers what you need to know about the latest technology being used to monitor calls inside jails and prisons.


  • Digital Security Resources

    Take cautionary measures and protect your data and yourself digitally using these compiled resources for movement activists and organizers.

  • Techbusting: Busting BigTech's Myths

    This factsheet connects how the industry is targeting marginalized communities and some myths BigTech is peddling to get away with it.

  • D.C. Chart - Immigration Consequences of Common Protest Offenses

    This is an introductory tool for attorneys advising their clients regarding the immigration consequences of D.C. protest related criminal case dispositions.

  • Take Back Tech Fellowship Information and Reports

    With our gratitude to the Take Back Tech Fellows and the Grassroots Organizer Advisory Board, we present the innovative reports our TBT fellows put together around surveillance, tech, and fighting back against the deportation pipeline.

  • Deportation Defense Toolkit

    We built this toolkit with Mijente created this free toolkit as a resource to make some of the legal concepts around deportation (prosecutorial discretion) more accessible, and to help grow the network of people who are ready and willing to organize and protect our communities from deportation.

  • Demands for the Biden Admin: End Surveillance of Immigrant, Black, and Brown Communities

    The Biden Administration must intervene in the massive, militarized technological surveillance machine being deployed against immigrant, Black and Brown communities. Here are our recommendations.


  • Eyes on Tech - Part I

    What is facial recognition anyway? This tech is always tracking us, whether we're shopping, banking, or just hanging out with our friends - all without us even knowing.

  • Eyes on Tech - Part II

    Law enforcement have always used any tools at their disposal to criminalize marginalized communities. Today, that tool is facial recognition tech.

  • Hoan Tan-That with laptop

    Eyes on Tech - Who's Behind Clearview AI?

    Clearview AI has long standing ties with far-right extremists. Despite their controversies, they continue selling their technology to thousands of law enforcement departments and DHS.

  • Eyes on Tech: Free from Surveillance

    Clearview AI and other tech companies are using their tech to surveil communities and sell their tech to police and immigration. For true liberation, we must organize.

  • Legal tips for immigrant protesters

    As movement lawyers, our role is to defend the rights of protesters with the tools we have. We made this video to help immigrant protesters who are called on to take action in this moment so that they understand the risks and how to protect themselves.