JFL Statement on Gaza

As communities rise up, march, and mobilize against the Israeli government’s decimating siege on Gaza and the people who live there, we too must be vocal. We grieve for the thousands who have lost their lives or suffered horrific atrocities in Palestine and Israel, and we stand in solidarity with demands calling for an end to the occupation in Gaza and join the demand for an immediate ceasefire. The United States is not new to weaponizing moments of grief; we vehemently oppose new congressional supplemental funding that supports the invasion of Gaza and hyper-militarization of the Department of Homeland Security. 

Just Futures Law was founded on the values of justice, human rights, liberation, and a belief there is inherent value and dignity in all of us. Many of JFL’s staff came to this work fighting the rise of systemic racial profiling, discrimination, surveillance, and suppression of rights against Muslim, Arab, and South Asian communities after 9/11. We affirm the right of people in the United States and abroad to speak out against the siege on Gaza without fear of retaliation. 

Oppression undermines and runs antithetical to the world we’re trying to build. Our convictions call on us to defend people’s abilities to move, live, and speak freely and with dignity. We are unapologetic about tearing down all walls and prisons in their many forms and fighting for a present and future without violence, islamophobia, anti-semitism, or any form of racism.